We’ve worked closely with Harvey and the team at the NSBRC for over 12 years now, helping them with their print and design requirements.
Alongside these projects we also handle the complete publishing package for the Self Build Handbook that’s produced 3 times a year.
Our relationship has become so strong that we were recently awarded their ‘Extended Team Award’. A proud moment for the whole team at Constructive Media.
The brief: Produce a 150+ page visitor handbook three times per year that’s available FOC to all who visit the venue.
The challenge: Making it cost neutral for the client but profitable for us.
The solution: Leaning on our publishing experience we implemented a business model that enabled us to keep full control of all costs, this was due to all aspects of the project remaining in house. 10 years laters the guide continues to be produced 3 times a year, has increased in size and also generates a profit.